666娛樂城歡迎你~~~~MLB退休金計畫,只要在大聯盟年資滿43天,就可在62歲之後年領3.4萬美元 172天就算1年年資,隨著年資越高,就可年領越多,最高級距即年資滿10年 ,未來每年可領18萬美元 NBA也有這種退休金制度,google爬文結果如下:
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這說不定也是Lin拒絕CBA的因素之一 Earning full vesting rights after three years of service in the league, players can begin drawing their pension at age 50. The annual benefit, for someone with the minimum service times, would be $19,160. With a decade of playing time, the payment rises to $60,000. But patience has its rewards. At age 62, those with three years in the league would get $60,000 and those with 10 years, $200,000. Players are also eligible to participate in a 401(k) plan, in which team contributions can be greater than player deferrals. 結論:還是MLB的門檻比較低登錄滿43天就有資格,NBA至少要三年 但NBA的退休金比MLB多一點
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LINE; fiona1218ya
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